Monument to the Statues

  The statue monument is located 4 km from Ruma towards Novi Sad, on both sides of the main road M-21 and it was built at the end of the 18th century. It was built by the citizens of Ruma grateful that the plague that ravaged this area in 1795 – 1796, which halved the population of Iriga and of the villages of Fruška Gora, did not extend to their place. The monument was erected at the place where they were organized as military guards (sanitary cordon) that prevented the exit people from the infected area. It is unique health monument in this part of Europe.

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City Square (Revolution Monument)

  It was built in 1975 in the very center of the city. In the contest for ideas, the winning solution were proposed by architects Cveta Davico, Zivojin Karapesic and Misa David, but their proposal was never fully realized. Previously, the square had the form of a forum and events took place there various festivities, activities and gatherings. Space approx monument had the shape of an amphitheater made of concrete elements and the red base, which represented the ancient period. With the reconstruction of the city core, there was a change apparently, the amphitheater was demolished and a square was built, manifestation type, in one level, following the example of the majority big cities. The symbol of Ruma is the so - called Trumpets that are the central motif of the monument, which represents an invitation to celebration, uprising or assault. An interesting fact is that on the plateau where the City Square is today used to be the manor house of the Pejacevic family, one of the first buildings built of solid material in what was then Ruma. It was demolished in 1961.

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Monument to Jovan Jovanović Zmaj

  The monument to Jovan Jovanović Zmaj is located in Main street in Ruma in front of the elementary school of the same name and that is the first memorial in honor of the legendary poet built after his death. It was made on the initiative of Milena Miladinovic and the Serbian Female Charitable Cooperative in Ruma in memory of the great poet, it was exposed by Branislav Nusic in 1911. It was also demolished in the WW2, so in 1951 a new monument, based on the original model was created.

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Exchange bridge

  The interchange bridge is a memorial that is located on the road Ruma - Stejanovci. It is located on both sides of the road in memory of September 2, 1943, when on this place captured Germans were exchanged for patriots and sympathizers of the movement who were imprisoned in Ruma The liberation movement was led by a partisan commander Vukasin Bivolarevic Wolf whose image is on this memorial.

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Monument "Three children with a book"

  The monument is the work of the famous Ruma sculptor Slavka Petrovic Sredovic. It represents children in the moment of curiosity, where all their senses are focused on finding what is on the pages of the book. There is a story that the sculpture represents the artist herself with her brother and sister and records some of their moments spent in the printing press owned by their father. During her exhibition in the Ruma library in 1955, this monument was purchased and installed in Little park, which was created with the idea of ​​being a park for children. It has kept this purpose until today and represents a small oasis of entertainment for the youngest.

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Monument to Zarko Miladinovic

  The monument to Zarko Miladinovic is located in front of the main Ruma post office and was erected in honor of the minister of post and telegraph in the government of Nikola Pasic. It is about the leader of Ruma radicals in whose house the people assembly was held where it was decided to annex Srem to Serbia.

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Airplane wing memorial

  The Airplane wing memorial is located near the end of the road that leads from Ruma to the Belgrade - Zagreb highway at the place where the Ruma airport used to be located before the end of the WW2. Federal Pilot School from 1948 to 1954. was at that place.

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Equestrian monument

  The monument is located on a small plateau in front of "Most" building in Orlovic street. It was raised in the beginning of 2019, the author is the academic sculptor Branislav Crvenkovic. The equestrian monument is 6 meters high, it does not give away the impression of massiveness, rather than grace, it is made of polyurethane foams. Monuments of this type represent horsemen, (riders on horses), they are a symbol of strength and power or liberation efforts. In that sense, this monument is unusual, because the figure of the rider is female. On a horse that is fully raised on two legs, there is naked female figure with long untangled hair in dynamic movement. Both rider and horse are shown at full strength, ready to jump or simply fly to the heights.

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